Claire's Sewing Room
Have you ever been sewing at home, come across a tricky part of the pattern and thought "What would Claire say?" Or have you been wanting to spend more time in the Sewing Room at Midhurst but live a bit further away? Or simply just want more time to sew and wish you had Claire in your sewing room?
Join Claire's Sewing Room for direct access to Claire's sewing brain & feel like she is in the room with you!
Plus there are lots of opportunities to remain sewcial with your fellow members.
We will be adding content on a regular basis as well as hosting virtual events and Q&A's. Below is everything that is included when you join.
Welcome Gift
Once you sign up for membership, after 3 months of commitment you will receive a welcome gift from us.
Access to at least three video workshops upon joining
When you join, you will have instant access to the course library. Here you will find three courses already uploaded and ready for you to use. Our Video workshops will vary from technique building to full garment tutorials.
At least one new video workshop per month
Every month, we commit to uploading at least one more video workshop to the course library.
Access to a private community group
We have created a private community page which works in a similar way to Facebook. It is built into this website and is called Claire's Community. You can post questions and images here and get to know your fellow members. This is also where we will post updates about new courses and events.
Claire will host a community live once per month for Q&A
At least once per month, Claire will host a live Q&A within the community page. You will be given a weeks notice of when this will be so that you can send in your questions and requests for demos.
Access to private zoom hangout on a Monday evening to chat to fellow members
Upon joining, you will have access to a zoom meeting. This will be held on Monday evenings from 5pm for 2 hours. You can drop in and out so you don't have to join at 5pm and you don't have to stay for the full 2 hours. It is a nice space to get to know your fellow members face to face and have a chat about any sewing projects you are working on.
Claire will join the Zoom once per month for a Q&A
On one Monday per month Claire will join the zoom for a Q&A. You will be given advance notice of the week that she will join. Claire will join at 5pm for up to 1 hour.
At least 6 Sew Alongs per year - these can be joined live or you can follow along later with a recording
We will be holding Sew Alongs throughout the year. We will be selecting patterns to create a handmade wardrobe.
These sew alongs will be held on weekdays between 10am & 4pm (with lots of breaks for tea and snacks!)
As this is a closed membership group, the recordings will be available to every member whether they join the sew along live or not. You will be given plenty of notice of which patterns we will be using. Also as a member's only offer you will be given an opportunity to buy the pattern and some haberdashery from us at a discounted price.
Member's Newsletter
We will be sending out a newsletter approximately once per month. This will include all of the upcoming dates and times of any Q&As and sew alongs. As well as what video workshops will be coming up.
Subsidised group trips, at least one trip per year and will be first come first served
These group trips will include things like museum trips / Saville row tours / fabric shopping trips etc. They will be on a first come first served basis. Details will be sent out once we have finalised the plans. There will be at least one trip per year.